I eagerly awaited watching the budget unveiling yesterday, here is the summary of that...Proposed Rochester budget juggles cuts, services
I work at the library mentioned. By mid summer, our hours will be cut from a whopping 75 (We had enhanced hours because of the particular neighborhood we're in, and our we share a building with a recreation center and school) to 40 hours per week, just like the other libraries in our branches. This was the topic of every conversation at work yesterday. And this is what I said: "no libraries are closing down and recreation centers are staying open, over all it was a very good day, if you look at the big picture."
But (because there is always a 'but')... We're losing part time positions. My position is one of the positions on the chopping block. I have spent the last 11 days not knowing if I will have a job come August 1.
When I was told I quickly replied "But... But... my job is needed here! I just got comfortable, the kids just started talking to me... Wait, what about the adult librarian... oh, no, But look at all those teens out there..."
I am heartbroken and frustrated. It's a cycle.
First, it's a pity party. I waited a long time for this job and I enjoy the people I work with. I was looking forward to the future and building these relationships with the teenagers and community I am in... and that is being taken away from me. I have worked for this library system for over 10 years and the hopes I had for a long term career are being dashed.
And then the frustration creeps in... I get that the hours are being cut, but why cut the librarians? I get that we're the newer positions, but why are they making a library populated by the lower level positions? Why did I go to school to get my masters degree when the majority of the people who work at the library don't even need to be college educated? How is this going to fix the big picture?
And the cycle turns again.... back into the pity party because really, I am 28 years old without health insurance and I need to grow up some day...
Then the second round of anger comes back. I was told to stay hopeful, maybe I'll get bounced around. But that is all I was told, 11 days ago. So I am still left in the lurch, not being able to react to this mountain of possible change.
I'll be heading to university to complete my Masters in Library Science in September. With everything in the news lately about job cuts to both public and school libraries in both the States and Canada I'll admit that there have been times when I've started to waver with this decision. The only thing keeping me positive is the knowledge that I know library school is what will make me happy...and the hope that somewhere in the future a job at a library will open up. So I guess what I'm trying to say is stay hopeful, and I'm sure things will work out for the better eventually!