Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Courtesy of The Broke and the Bookish

This week is The Broke and the Bookish's year blogoversary! So in celebration, this week's top ten is list of everything that we love about blogging! 

  1. I love blogging because it puts me in a community of like minded thinkers who love YA literature.
  2. I love those who want to analyze the literature as much as I do, rip them apart, not like the popular stuff just because it's popular.
  3. I love reading everyone's reviews and putting my reviews out there for others to read.
  4. I love venting my thoughts on the library community and the YA world.
  5. I like the random Meme in this blogging community, especially the ones where we talk about ourselves so I feel like I know a little more each one about the bloggers I follow.
  6. I love posting random news/links that I find interesting. I like that maybe some random person is finding it on my blog and found a new random blog because of my link. 
  7. I love that blogging, this blog, makes me want to read. I feel like I am not just loafing around, but my reading has a purpose.
  8. I love keeping track of what I read and how I felt about it. 
  9. I love using blogs as one of my review sources when piking out new materials for my library.
  10. It makes me want to read books outside of my comfort zone because these blogs make me away of them!

1 comment:

  1. "I love posting random news/links that I find interesting. I like that maybe some random person is finding it on my blog and found a new random blog because of my link. "

    You do indeed. I just read about the Ashford program and while I'm registered at Iowa for my BA work, this is worth looking into and only a few miles from me :) thanks!

    great list! I was nodding my head in agreement with everything :)
