From The Story Siren:

I'm extremely excited to be hosting the 2011 Debut Author Challenge! I've worked out a few kinks throughout the years and I'm hoping that this year will be even better than the last! This is a post where you can find out a little bit more about the challenge if you are unfamiliar with it and decide if you'd like to join up this year.
2011 Debut Author Challenge participant information:
- The objective of the DAC is to read at least twelve novels from Young Adult or Middle Grade Authors. While twelve is the minimum there is no maximum limit! I encourage readers who can read more than twelve to do so!
- Anyone can join. You don't have to be a blogger, and you don't have to live in the United States.
- You do not have to have an blog written in English to participate.
You can join at anytime.Deadline to join is November 20, 2011. (not 2010 you still have PLENTY of time to sign up!) The challenge runs from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011.
Qualifying books:
- Books must be a Young Adult or Middle Grade novel.
- DO NOTE: Just because a book has a teen character or is about a teen, does not mean that it is necessarily a Young Adult novel.
- This must be the authors debut with a release date in 2011.
- If an author has a previous novel published under adult fiction/nonfiction or children's fiction/nonfiction, they can still qualify for the challenge if they are releasing their YA or MG debut.
I have committed myself to at least reading 12 debut books, I figure one a month is a good start. I can be quite the slow reader sometimes.
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